Концерт The Champions в Свинцовом Дирижабле Караганда - Система онлайн-покупки билетов в кино и на концерты

Концерт The Champions в Свинцовом Дирижабле Караганда

Концерт The Champions в Свинцовом Дирижабле Караганда

Venue: Karaganda, Komissarova str., 45, Lead airship

Date: April 21, 2023.

Start: 19:00 

Artists: The Champions

Program: Author's

Duration: 2 hours

Age restriction: 




The Champions is a rock band from Astana, which has managed to take its place in the hearts of Kazakhstani fans of high-quality live music! Bright soloists, drive and energy of instrumentalists, memorable tracks and charisma of the participants are what distinguishes the Champions from other Kazakhstani bands! The concert will feature the band's debut album, a number of well-known cover songs, as well as several yet-to-be-released tracks of the band! Don't miss it!

See you in the Airship, April 21, at 20:00