Nazugum is one of the most beloved heroes and poets of the Uighur people. Nazugum had an education and poetic talent, attracting the attention of many writers, poets and scientists over the years. As reported, an uprising against the occupation broke out in Kashgar in 1825-1828 Qin. After the ruthless suppression of the uprising, the male population was completely destroyed. The Manchus transferred hundreds of women and daughters to the Ili Valley to be sold as wives, concubines or slaves to the Kalmyks. Among them was Nazugum. Nazugum's husband and his three-year-old son were brutally murdered in front of the villagers. Nazugum was sold to a rich Kalmyk Shi-San. Nazugum, who did not yield to the slave post, escaped. However, the Manchus caught the fugitive. Nazugum kills his new master, and on his wedding day. After long wanderings she found herself in a mountain cave near the village of Ketmen. After six months, Nazugum was captured, beheaded and executed by order of the Manchu authorities. Nazugum's poems assert that this is a special, fascinating force, a huge feeling that can move and excite every person. This is strength - love for freedom, for the Motherland, for the land where fathers and grandfathers lived, where Nazugum was born and grew up.