Фактор 2 в Караганде - Система онлайн-покупки билетов в кино и на концерты

Фактор 2 в Караганде

Фактор 2 в КарагандеVenue: Karaganda, Republic Ave., 11/3 Boxing Center
Date: April 18, 2023.

Start: 19:00

Artists: Factor 2

Parking: there is

Age limit: 18+






Factor-2 is a Russian-language pop music group formed in 1999.

In January 2005, two FACTOR-2 albums were released in Russia at once — "We are Fake MS" and "In Our Style". At the same time, a spectacular and at the same time extremely lucid clip for the song "Beauty" (directed by Sergey Zhukov) is being filmed in their support. From that moment on, the band begins to gain popularity, despite the fact that radio stations categorically refuse to rotate their songs.