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Theater tickets

улица Шокана Уалиханова, 43


г. Алматы, ул. Ришата и Муслима Абдуллиных, 38

Acting school and children's theater «Game»

г. Алматы, проспект Абая, 10А

Адрес: Назарбаева 223, 2 этаж График работы: Ежедневно с 10:00-21:00 Парковка: паркинг, заезжать с улицы Козыбаева Ближайшая остановка общественного транспорта: проспект Фурманова.

Ala Tau - Theatre of Traditional Art

​Микрорайон Нуркент, 6

Address: Nurkent microdistrict, 6. Contact number: 8 (727) 398–85–36, 8 (727) 224–89–77. Entrance: from the side of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly Street. Parking: 50 parking spaces on the ground. Free of charge. Entrance from Bauyrzhan Momyshuly Street. The Alatau Concert Hall in Almaty has already become a venue for many interesting concerts, performances, and other cultural events. The capacity of the hall is over 700 people. It is located below the Nurkent microdistrict in Momyshuly. You can buy tickets to the concerts in Alatau through the Internet on the site Ticketon

Children's Puppet Theatre of Zazerkalie

г. Алматы, пр. Абая, 117, «Театр Жас Сахна»

Address: Abay Avenue 117. Contact number: 8 (727) 277-89-30, 8 (727) 328–14–18, 8 777 22 11 303. Metro: Alatau station. Distance from the station: 310 meters. Entrance: from Abay Avenue side. Parking: public parking. Free of charge. Canteen: there is a dining room within a radius of 300 meters. Zazerkalie is a world where everything lives according to other laws. Where reigns, magic and fairy tale. A place where miracles happen. Such a place in Almaty is the Puppet Theatre Zazerkalie. Creation of the Zazerkalie theatre The puppet theater showed its first performance in 1989. It appeared thanks to the efforts of its founder Nadezhda Maibo, a man who believed that the magical world, where good always defeats evil, where the truth is more important than the benefits, where there is a place for fantasy is important and needed by a small audience. The Puppet Theatre gives a performance on Saturdays and Sundays at the Jas Sakhna Theatre, and the Christmas trees are held at the Kurmangazy Orchestra at Bogenbay Batyr Street. The main purpose of the theatre is to educate the younger generation. Through the theatrical performance, to instill moral values, promote the development of the imagination and give the child a festive mood. All the work of the entire team is imbued with love for their young audience. Playbill of the Zazerkalie theatre The repertoire of the theatre includes more than 30 fascinating and kind productions, such as Who's rustling there? Blue Bird; The Nutcracker; On the way to the dream; Legend has come alive; Lisa" and others. Each performance and show is filled with fun, songs, and mischief. They involve gifted decorators and actors. These are Irina Shapovalova, Renat Jumanov, Margarita Tsareva, Olga Spitsyna, Akhmet Omarov, and many others. But of course, the main "talents" and property of the theater are its dolls. More than five dozen puppet characters take part in the creative activity of Zazerkalie. Besides, the theatre is famous for its New Year shows. The program of children's Christmas trees is diverse: a chamber format, several scenarios to choose from with the participation of characters from fairy tales and cartoons, as well as a round dance around the tree with Santa Claus will certainly be to your baby's taste. It is thought out so that it will be interesting to children of different ages. Tickets in Zazerkalie You can buy tickets to the Zazerkalie Puppet Theatre online on our website. Here you will find all the information you need: performance schedules, price, date of performance. You can also buy tickets to your favorite fairy tale or New Year's Eve performance right away. Ticket payment can be made via bank cards, QIWI, CyberPlat, Cashier24 terminals, Internet banking, ONAI card or one of the other offered options.

Пространство Трансформа

г. Алматы, ул. Барибаева, 36

​Address: SmArt.Point, 1st floor, Baizakov street, 280. Metro: Auezov Theatre station. Distance from the station: 540 meters. Contact number: 8 (747) 414 06 59. Entrance: from Satpayev street. Parking: ground and underground. Parking is chargeable: 100 tenges per hour. Coffee shop: there is a Starbucks and Urban coffee shop.

Concordia Student Theater

г. Алматы, ул. Богенбай Батыра 151 (уг. Масанчи)

Address: Almaty, Bogenbay Batyr Street, 151. Contact number: Metro: Almaly station Distance from the station: 1 400 meters. Entrance: from the side of Bogenbay Batyr Street. Parking: ground parking is available. Free of charge for visitors. Concordia Student Theatre under the Asfendiyarov National University of KazNMU can be called the center of student art in Almaty. Here you can take a break without stopping for a smoke break: Contests; Dance festivals; Concerts; Meetings with scientists, etc. You can buy tickets to the Concordia Theater via the Internet at the Ticketon service.

BUNKER ART-sanctuary

Almaty, Dosmukhamedov str., 78 a

Address: Dosmukhamedova street, 78a entrance from Kabanbai Batyr street. Metro: Baikonur Station. Distance from the station: 1200 meters. Cash desk: 8 (778) 465-66-78. Administration: 8 (707) 328-00-52. Entrance: from Kabanbai Batyr street. Parking: on Dosmukhamedov street, just above the theater. Free of charge. Second parking: at the crossroads of Dosmukhamedov street and Kabanbai Batyr street. Free of charge.

Yermashov Theatre

г. Алматы, ул. Щепкина 35 (ул. Мустафина, уг. ул. Рыскулбекова)

Address: Shchepkina Street 35, (Mustafina Street, corner of Ryskulbekova Street). Contact number: 8 778 1881111, 8 707 9558080. Entrance: from the side of Mustafina Street. Parking: there is a small land parking lot, free for visitors. Canteen: a coffee shop. Amateur Theatre Yermashova annually organizes a festival of chamber theaters Almaty Autumn in Almaty! When we go to the theatre, we usually imagine that there are all professionals who graduated from theatrical universities. But if you were told that actors are just beginning to learn the basics of mastery? Would you like to go? The Yermashov Theatre in Almaty is just one of those. We present you with an unusual Almaty theatre, where every spectator, according to its head Igor Ermashov, can become an actor. Of course, you'll have to take six-month courses to do that. But if there is such a dream, what are these six months? The aim of the theater is to make the theatrical scene accessible to everyone who wants to try their hand at acting. To help each person to be creatively realized. The Yermashov Amateur Theatre opened on March 8, 2016. The cozy hall with a capacity of just over 70 people is permeated by the atmosphere of the chamber theatre. The repertoire of Yermashov's amateur theatre So far, all the performances that are staged in the theater are comedies. The comedy of the French comedian Marc Camoletti Boeing-Boeing-Boeing-Boing was the most successful comedy card. Other no less funny productions are played on stages, such as Scary Soup and The Last Try. Also in the repertoire of the theater appeared children's plays: the fairy tale Goldfish and Ai-bolt. Theater service The troupe first met at the Kazakh Film Academy, then in parks and shopping centers. And only relatively recently did they find their own auditorium. The actors and leaders themselves have invested a lot of their own energy and resources in making their own theater cozy for everybody, albeit small. Coming here for the show, you can visit: a bar where you can pass the time in intermission; a cafeteria where children can eat ice cream while waiting for the show to start or afterward; there is a parking lot nearby; a chamber hall to enjoy the actor's performance. Those who wish can not only enjoy the aesthetic pleasure of playing actors, but also buy themselves souvenirs and printed products. These cute trinkets will remind you of past performances, reminding you of positive emotions.

Touring scene GARTD them. Lermontov

г. Алматы, пр. Абая, 43, уг. ул. Абылай хана

Address: Almaty, Abai Avenue 43. Metro: Abai station. Distance from the station: 700 meters. Cash desk: 8 (727) 267-31-31. Administration: 8 (727) 267-31-45. Cash register: from the side of Abylai Khan Avenue Entrance to the theatre: from Abai Avenue. Parking: along Abylai Khan Avenue, opposite the theater. Bicycle parking: along Abylai Khan Avenue, before reaching Kurmangazy Street, on the right side. Canteen: in place.

Republican German drama theatre

г. Алматы, ул. Папанина 70/1, уг. ул. Ярославской.

Address: Papanin Street 70/1, corner of Yaroslavskaya Street. Contact number: 8 (727) 392 02 33, 8 (777) 827 28 90. Entrance: from the side of Papanin Street. Parking: Parking is free of charge, and there is a small terrestrial parking lot available in the courtyards. In 1974, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union made a decision to establish a professional German theatre, which served as a German acting course at the Higher Theatre School named after Shchepkin in Moscow. On February 6, 1975, the order of the Ministry of Culture of the KazSSR was signed, which was the official birth certificate of the first German theater group in the Kazakh Republic of the USSR. After 5 years, 29 certified artists who received education in the Higher School named after Shchepkin at the Maly Theatre of Moscow, arrived in the city of Temirtau. On December 26, 1980, the opening of the Republican German Drama Theatre in Temirtau took place with the performance The First Ones based on the play of the Russian German writer Alexander Raimgen about the relationship between Kazakhs and Germans. In 1989 the theatre moved to Alma-Ata and for 5 years leased a stage at the Railwaymen's Palace of Culture. At the same time the mass migration of Germans to the historical homeland begins, as a result of which almost all the artists of the first team left for Germany. In 1991, with the help of the German government, the German Theatre Academy (NTA) was opened on the basis of the Kazakh State Institute of Theatre and Cinema named after M.V. Lomonosov. T. Zhurgenov. In 1994, NTA released two acting groups, which joined the German theatre with a new stream. In the same year the theatre was given the building of the cinema at 64d Satpayev Street. In 2007, the theater began a major overhaul, which was scandalously interrupted at the stage of destruction of the building. For 11 years the actors worked in difficult conditions of rent on different stages of the city. In the autumn of 2018, the theatre began to develop a new space at 70/1 Papanina Street. On November 10, the grand opening of the new stage took place. The Republican German Drama Theatre is still the only professional theatre of the German Diaspora in the CIS. The theatre's repertoire includes the best examples of world classics, as well as plays by contemporary authors, staged in German, Russian and Kazakh. Actors: Kulbanu Ashimova Irk Abdulmanova Timur Bondank Alexander Dar Akylkhan Almasov Anton Dudarev Anastasia Loshmanova Ilya Raskhatsky Svetlana Scoobina Julia Teyfel. Oksana Tiamenko Daniya Absalamova Alibek Omirbekuly Daniyar Batykov Alexandra Beagler Bekarys Boranbayev Sheila Isabekova Julia Cojomina Olga Lee Nurlybek Maulezaripov Israil Berkman Renata Kasimanova Vitaly Kupriyanov Poster of the German Drama Theatre of Almaty At you can buy tickets to the German Theatre Almaty. You have the opportunity to get acquainted with the repertoire in the schedule and choose the appropriate day and hour of the visit. Would you like to queue up at the ticket office before the performance? We offer you to pay in advance with our comfortable service. There are various ways to do this: International cards; payment terminals; Internet banking.

Abay Opera House

г. Алматы, ул. Кабанбай батыра, 110

Address: Almaty, 110 Kabanbai Batyr street.

Metro: Almaly station.

Distance from the station: 290 meters.

Contact number: 8 (727) 272-79-34.

Entrance: from Kabanbai Batyr street.

Parking: along Zhambyl street.

Canteen: in place.

The State Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Abay, founded in 1934, was the first theatre of such scale in the republic and in 1945 it was named after the Kazakh cultural figure Abay Kunanbayev.

Today's repertoire includes:

  • opera performances;
  • classical performances;
  • theatrical performances;
  • ballet performances by ballet companies;
  • musical concerts.

Over the entire period of its creative activity, the theater has been visited by world-class performers and ballet companies. Not long ago, Italian tenor Diego Cavadzin and his compatriot baritone Gianfranco Montresor performed on the stage of the theatre. Almaty residents also enjoyed the wonderful tenor of Giorgi Oniani from Germany and soprano Irina Iordachesku from Romania. Within the framework of the same festival, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the composer G. Verdi, the Turkish baritone Tamer Pecker performed here.

In addition to its main activities, the theater organizes various cultural events and festivals outside the theatre. For example, the Almaty Kok-Tobe Opera-2016 festival was held to celebrate 25 years of Kazakhstan's independence. The invited foreign star was Alejandro Roy, a Spanish tenor who performed a musical work by the great Abai in duet with domestic singers.

An important event for the opera environment of Kazakhstan was the fact that in 2013, the Astana Opera Theater came to Almaty with a tour in the theater. It was an exchange of experience and creative energy between young and adult theater. The touring program included the opera Birzhan-Sara, the fairy tale Petya and the Wolf, the choir singing and the symphony orchestra performing.

If to speak about ballet, from the last it is possible to note the performance of stars of theatre "Opera the Granier" Joshua Hoffalt and Lyudmila Pagliero, dated for the program "Year of France" in RK. In addition, here was held the New Year's show "The Nutcracker" main part in which Semyon Velichko and Anna Ol from the Moscow Academic Musical Theater named after Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko performed.

The repertoire of the Abai Opera and Ballet Theatre


The full poster of the theater is presented on the site Our service contains all the necessary information, namely: address and phone number of the institution, its location. Here you can also buy tickets online for any show.

Kazakh National Drama Theater named after M.Auezov

г. Алматы, пр. Абая, 103

Kazakh State Academic Drama Theater named after M. Auezov Address: Almaty, Abai Ave, 103. Metro: Auezov Theatre station. Distance from the station: 310 meters. Reception: 378-54-00. Email: [email protected]. Entrance: from Abai Avenue. Parking: along Abai Avenue, in front of the theater. Canteen: in place. To visit the Auezov Theatre means to arrange a meeting with true art. The Auezov Theatre in Almaty is famous not only for its cast and filigree director's work but also for its carefully selected repertoire. By using the Ticketon online service, the poster and schedule of the Kazakh Drama Theatre named after Auezov are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in real-time. On the site, you can find out the address of the institution and buy tickets for your favorite performance.

Gosudarstvennyi Respublikanskii Ujgurskij Teatr Muzykalnoj Komedii

г. Алматы, ул.Наурызбай Батыра, 83

Address: Almaty, Naurizbai Batyr Street, 83. Contact number: 8 (727) 272-82-76. Metro: Almaly Station. Distance from the station: 850 meters. Entrance: from the side of Karasai Batyr Street. Parking: Ground parking is available. Free of charge for visitors. The Kuzhamyarov State Republican Uighur Theatre of Musical Comedy is the first, and currently the only, professional theatre of the Uyghur people in Kazakhstan. Uyghur Theatre of Musical Comedy in Almaty: an excursion into history. In the 20s of the last century, the club of national minorities was opened in Alma-Ata. They formed their dramatic circle began active creative activity. In a short period of time Sadyr Khonruk, Mansapparast and Nazugum were presented to the audience. The collective grew up, becoming more and louder with its works and in autumn 1934 the Uyghur Regional Music and Drama Theatre were officially opened. The first performance in honor of the opening was a musical drama by Anarkhan D. Asimov. Until 1961, the theatre was located in the Almaty region in the Shelek Village. In the same year, after moving to Almaty, it was renamed the Republican Uyghur Music and Drama Theatre. Initially, after moving it was located on Pushkin Street, 41, and in 1969 it settled in the building of the former NKVD club built by architect Burovtsev. Vigorous creative work continued despite any interference. In the light of new productions, the team participated in various competitions, looking for new ways. Therefore, in 1974 the Yashlyk musical ensemble was created. He became the prize-winner of 7 different contests for 10 years. The repertoire of the Uyghur Theatre in Almaty and its cast Since the '60s, the stage has increasingly been used to stage plays by talented Uighur authors. Is it also necessary to have a doctor?, Nazugum, Storm, Sacred Steps, Carpet-makers. Along with them, there were plays by classics such as Othello, Odyssey's Anger, etc. Nowadays the playbill of the Uigur theatre in Almaty is filled with the same bright and interesting performances. М. Bakiyev, K. Abdrasulov, R. Ilyakhunov, N. Mametova are actors who have made a huge contribution to the development of the theatre, as well as Z. Akbarova, A. Supiev, and A. Akbarova. The full repertoire of the theatre can be found at the Ticketon service. Buy tickets to the theater online here is not difficult for you to do. Just a couple of clicks and in the evening you can enjoy watching the play. Rules for using an electronic ticket: to enter the theatre, you must print the electronic ticket and show it at the entrance.

Гастрольная сцена ТЮЗ им. Сац

г. Алматы, улица Шаляпина, 22

Address: Shalyapina Street 22. Contact number: 8 727 303 25 82. Metro: Moscow station. Distance from the station: 1 300 meters. Entrance: from Altynsarin Avenue. Parking: ground parking is available. Free for visitors. Canteen: а theater café in the theater building. The theatre of the young spectator in Almaty has opened in 1945 thanks to the efforts of the director and theatrical figure - Natalia Satz former in exile in Alma-Ata in those years. Initially, in the Youth Theatre there was only a Russian troupe, but in one year the production of Golden Key in Kazakh language was presented to the young visitors, and then the Kazakh troupe was formed, which later separated and will become an independent theater of the young audience, now the Youth Theatre named after G. Musrepov. It is worth noting that the Youth Theatre in Almaty was one of six such institutions opened by N. Satz in the Soviet Union. Until 1985, both troupes shared the same stage, rehearsing and giving performances in turn. Then a new building was allocated for the Russian Youth Theatre. And in 1995 it was named after its founder, and in 1996 it was given academic status. In 2000 the State Academic Russian Theatre for Children and Youth named after Sats moved to the building of the former Palace of Culture of the AHBK and to this day continues its active work there. Billboard of Natalia Satz Theatre for Young Spectators During its more than half a century of history on the stage of the theater of the young audience was staged not a single dozen plays. One of the first works shown to children under the direction of N. Satz, between 1945 and 1949, there was Red Riding Hood, 12th night, Two Captains, Young Guard, Two Veronicas. Today the repertoire of the Satz Theatre is represented by such performances as: Golden Key; Star boy; Hunchbacked Horse; Faith, Hope, Love; Scandalous incident and many others. The main principle of the work of the Satz Youth Theatre is to educate the young generation in their love of theatre and art. Each production raises questions of good and evil, decency and mutual assistance. And thanks to the actors' play, which is characterized by a high level of skill (you can't fool a small spectator), there is a complete immersion in the action taking place on stage. Today, almost 40 actors work here, including Yulia Uzing, Alexander Shitov, Marina Kadirberdieva, Azat Mynbayev, Alexander Krasnikov, and others.

Kazakh State Academic Theatre for Children and Youth named after Gabit Musrepov

г. Алматы, проспект Абылай хана,38 (уг. ул. М. Маметовой)

Address: Abylai Khan Avenue 38, (corner of Mametova Street). Contact number: 8 727 271 40 56, 8 727 271 42 37. Metro: Raimbek Batyr Station. Distance from the station: 750 meters. Entrance: from Abylai Khan Avenue. Parking: ground parking for visitors. Free of charge. The Theatre of Youth of Almaty is one of the best children's theatres in the country. It instills in young visitors love for the theatrical art and from an early age educates them in the spirit of friendship, love, and mutual respect. If you want your child to spend his or her leisure time usefully and at the same time have maximum pleasure, don't even think about it, take him or her to the Young Spectator's Theatre! Time passes, directors and artists change, but the theatre has been working successfully for decades. The main principle of which is the promotion of the moral upbringing of young people. On the example of fairy tales and legends to young viewers the concepts of good and evil, devotion and patriotism are revealed. It is here that the aesthetic taste of the younger generation is formed and the understanding and adaptation to the theatrical art are formed. The young viewer's theatre poster is now available on Ticketon. On our website, you will not only find the repertoire and schedule of the Kazakh theatre for children, but you will also be able to buy tickets for any selected performance. The history of the Theatre of Youth in the dynamics of time The decree on the establishment of the theatre, now known as the Musrepov Theatre of Youth, was issued on September 6, 1944. The director and head of the creative team were the People's Artist of the USSR N. I. Satz. In 1946, a separate Kazakh group appeared, which was already awarded the prestigious Lenin Komsomol Prize in 1967. In 1985 the theatre for children and youth of Kazakhstan was divided into two autonomous collectives: Kazakh Theatre of G. Musrepov; Russian Youth Theatre. Initially, the building of the Alatau Cinema, which served as a shooting pavilion for Mosfilm and Lenfilm studios evacuated during the war, became the home of the Youth Theatre. The first productions of the future theater by Gabit Musrepov were the plays by Red Cap (based on the work of Eugene Schwartz) and a drama by Isidor Stocking Assad Leiden. The poster of the Musrepov Theatre Today the theatrical poster attracts with its amazing variety, including the works of the best national and world classics, as well as works of modern authors. They are regularly staged on the main and chamber stages: musical fairy tales; lyrical comedies; tragedies; musicals; musical fantasies. The performances are in Kazakh with simultaneous Russian translation.

Theatre «Zhas Sahna»

г. Алматы, пр. Абая, 117

Address: Abai Ave, 117 (in the building of the furniture center "Zhanna"), between Auezova and Zharokova streets. Metro: the Alatau station. Distance from the station: 310 meters. Cash desk: 8 (727) 259-65-98. Administration: 8 (707) 328-00-52. Entrance: from the side of Abai Avenue. Parking: along Abai Avenue, in front of the theater. Free of charge. Second parking: down Zharokova street, before reaching Kurmangazy street. Toll. The café: Marzipan Cafe When you present a theatre ticket, you get a 20% discount.

State Puppet Theatre

г. Алматы, ул. Пушкина, 63

State Puppet Theater in Almaty Address: Pushkin Street, 63. Metro: Zhibek-Joly station. Distance from the station: 900 meters. Cash desk: 8 (727) 234-79-22. Administration: 8 (727) 234-79-23. Entrance: from the side of Pushkin Street. Parking: opposite the theater, on the street Pushkin. Toll, 100 tenges per hour. Canteen: none.