«7» is a performance-experiment based on real events.
The performance includes seven stories about high-profile crimes committed by women from different countries. During the performance the audience will have to decide which of the heroines they are ready to pardon and which of them will be isolated from society.
The main goal of our creative research is to find the root cause of why a person decides to commit a crime. Each case is a whole chain of actual problems, which are important and should be discussed.
Attention! The play contains elements of profanity and detailed descriptions of tragic and cruel events that may cause heavy emotions. If this is unacceptable to you, we recommend choosing another performance from our repertoire.
The authors of the play do not support or justify the actions of the heroines, they do not call for anything and do not propagandise, they only document reality as it is. They invite the audience to reflect on it together.
Acting persons:
Prisoner #1 Svetlana Fedorenko
Prisoner #2 Svitlana Potemkina
Prisoner No. 3 Valentina Gronskaya
Prisoner No. 4 Olga Tsvetkova
S.Kapilevich, I.Vaskovskaya
Director of Photography
S.Kapilevich (Russian Federation)
Production designer
K.Bodrova (Russia)
Musical arrangement
S.Kapilevich, V.Smirnov
Assistant Director
Brailko O. V.
documentary performance
Age limit
- DateLocationZoneAdultsChildren
- 26FebruaryWedРусский драматический театр им.СтаниславскогоЗал со свободной рассадкойfrom 1500 ₸from 1500 ₸
- 27FebruaryThuРусский драматический театр им.СтаниславскогоЗал со свободной рассадкойfrom 1500 ₸from 1500 ₸